Be Trained . Bring Freedom

Empowering Christians for impact Spiritual Leadership

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Ignite Your Divine Calling


We help you divine discover your calling.


An intense Two or one year program in spiritual leadership traing with ministry leaders and an apostolic covering 


Be sent out in your assignment and be covered at all levels of ministry.

You have questions, we have answers.

Can you please provide more context or details about the 1-year and 2-year Leadership Programs?

The 1-year program is designed for individuals who want to receive specialized training in Spiritual Leadership but do not intend to become lead ministers. This program is most suitable for ministers, deacons, and lay leaders who recognize that they are not called to lead ministries but still desire to utilize their gifts within their church or ministries.

On the other hand, the 2-year program is intended for those who feel a calling to establish churches or lead ministries.  Upon completion of the 2-year program, these leaders will receive ordination and be commissioned as ministry leaders, fully prepared to embark on their assigned roles.

What is the fee, and what does it include?

The program costs $150 per month and can be canceled at any time.
This monthly fee includes all of our educational and ministry videos and content.
The lessons are delivered at a self-paced manner, and at the end of the program, students will receive a certificate or diploma based on the program.
Additionally, there are ministry-related perks included, such as free access to our three-day intensive and conferences, as well as opportunities to have one-on-one moments with leading ministry voices.

Is it online or on-site learning?

Learning is a combination of different methods.
A large portion of the learning process is done online at one's own pace, with occasional in-person sessions.
Every three months, there will be a three-day intensive program led by well-known ministry leaders.

Are there alternatives to the 1 or 2-year program?

We have a lot of Topical videos that are available in our school
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